Tuesday 26 June 2018

A word a sentence means alot of things....

1st half of 2018 had gone and wasted.....
Who ask me to be so so so lazy.....

The things that spoken out from the mouth
Sometimes really mean everything
Think twice before say it out

And i felt this year not a good year for me
Felt that keep arguing with parents and sibling
Sometimes i really really lazy to talk or exlpain
Felt that the more you talk or speak
The more misunderstanding between us

If i have the ability i really rather move out from here and stay there alone
Sometimes talk with my sibling 
I felt that everytime you are the right 1
And damn thing also will argue and dont want lose
Sometimes please think back la
What you did on people and people will do the same thing on you
How you feel? Nice? Like it?
Sometimes you did something over on me
Im angry but i will forget it
If i did on you?
Yea i tried
The face like sh*t
And my parents
My dad like to repeat and repeat the same thing over and over 
Sometimes expect people to do for him this and that
Some of the things he dont even help out
Just a simple thing he dont even help out or bother 
Thats why i never like to arguing with him
I never can win
Even its fact he will take others things to argue 
I rather save my breath on other things
Like to argue with him is my sis 
Even sometimes she even a piece of sh*t too
And she knew that when you argue with him
The whole house like sh*t
Ya i know sometimes is facts 
But just let him be la
Let him syok sendiri lo
Why need always like this?
And she never wanted to lose
Always said this and that on others but please see your own before you judge people 
My mom she like to force people that people dont like it 
And sometimes the house things
Ya i admit i seldom do the household things
But at least im helping out
But sometimes still shouting and complaing
Cant just say it in proper way or gently

Ya by the way i know im not that good or perfect 
At least i know what to do in what situation

Im sorry to say that 
I really will go far far away from here